

Thursday 23 February 2012


Asalamualaikum semua. Harap korang semua sihat sejahtara selalu. I still maintain, so that why I’m writing a new post today. Actually hari nie I dalam keadaan bingung and tertanya-tanya. Satu soalan yang bermain di fikiran I from yesterday until today. The question is why? And you want to know WHY?

                                         (lebih baik you jadi anjing daripada jadi orang)

Yesterday, one of our cleaner (Indian) takes an emergency leave because her nephew was past away and you want to know how he dies….. He committed to suicide. I’m shock when I heard that news and today when our cleaner get back to work, she show us a Death Certificate and also tell us the story.

Auntie cleaner tu cerita yang anak saudaranya tue mati kerana mengantung dirinya sendiri. I biasa mendengar cerita orang mati membunuh diri nie, tapi bila kejadian tue berlaku pada orang yang dekat dengan kita, rasa ingin tahu tue sangat kuat. Actually I was wondering WHY some of us are dare to do that? How come they can think to commit to suicide?

Yeah……memang majority case membunuh diri nie melibatkan orang India and kadang-kadang tue ada juga orang melayu yang beragama islam yang melakukannya. Ok, now let’s talk this issue in general perspective. Kita ketepikan dahulu soal agama and race. As a human, we are responsible to ourselves so in what reason you have to end your own life in that way?

Sebagai manusia yang normal, kita semua boleh berfikir secara rasional untuk menyelesaikan sesuatu masalah yang kita hadapi and even though sometime we were influenced by our emotion during a decision making but it doesn’t mean that is the best choice that you have. Kehidupan ine adalah satu anugerah yang tak ternilai buat kita semua and if you choose to end your life in that way……you are coward!!! Selfish!!!  Worse than animals!!! because animal never commit to suicide.

Walau teruk mana pun masalah yang you hadapi dalam hidup you, I’m sure we all have a better solution. So just choose the right one. Even if you terlalu dungu to think about it, you still can share you problem with your parent or friend right. Tak kan lah just sebab putus cinta or masalah hutang….. you choose to end your life….. what the xxxx!!!

That why I’m still wondering WHY…WHY…. Ada orang di dalam dunia nie really struggle to get their life but they didn’t get and ada orang yang hidupnya serba cukup tapi still nak bunuh diri hanya kerana tak dapat apa yang dihajati oleh hatinya. Betul kata pepatah “orang yang tak cukup dengan sedikit, tak kan puas dengan yang banyak”


  1. wahh menarik cite more article Mr you blog :-)

  2. thank you Mr. J, actually i tulis nie semua just to ensure the public get something from it. "aku menulis....bukan kerna nama...." he..he..he..

  3. Bagus2..teruskn mr.durantd..
